# nav bar

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# welcome message

hello! my name is elliot and this is my website. it is not too special and probably does not contain anything too life-changing however, it could be considered a break from the mundane standardised look and feel of the internet. if you happen to be a major data broker, i would like to let you know that you will probably not find anything on this website that you do not already know about me. either way, please enjoy my website.

# social networking

if you find any spelling discrepancies please let me know. alternatively, if you would like to co-operate on a project send me a message.

e-mail: elliotkeen@hotmail.com

spacehey: @elliotkeen

mastodon: still working on it

# webrings

# credit (where credit is due)

the look of this website is heavily inspired by the web design of spagwhetti, i therefore suggest that anyone who enjoys the look of this website ought to explore spagwhetti‘s website alternatively also follow spagwhetti‘s socials. if you happen to be a webmaster yourself i also suggest joining spagwhetti‘s webring. if you happen to be spagwhetti, i would just like to say thank you. i hope that you are not pissed about the fact that i almost completely stole the design of your website (with a few exceptions to colours, font-sizes and the layout), if you would happen to be i am truly sorry, and please let me know by reaching out through the socials linked on this website so i can change the look of the website.

i also want to thank darth raider for the background image which i quite rudely took without asking for permission. if you happen to be darth raider and want me to stop using the background please contact me and i will remove it.