# name, identity and age
as you have probably already read on the frontpage my name is elliot, i go under the pronouns he/him and i was born in 2004.
# current occupation and hobbies
elderly care, university, collecting and webmastering (cause f*ck the term web development, web development is such a corporate term, it takes the fun out of website creation limiting it to companies. make websites, not war)
# favourite literature
the survivor by arun joshi (found the book in a charity shop after a university seminar and fell in love. do not get me wrong, the book is flawed, however, it is one of my favourite reads)
jailbird by kurt vonnegut (i mean it is not his most popular book but i would personally say that it is my favourite, even though slaughter-five probably has the better paced and more compelling story i resonated more with jailbird)
all the horrible histories books (probably more for nostalgic reasons than anything else, i mean intellectually speaking they are not particularly good history books due to being drenched in english nationalism. they are pretty entertaining though and the graphics are cool)
the catcher in the rye by j.d. salinger (need i even explain? i mean the language is perfectly adapted to fit the narrator and it encapsulates adolescents brilliantly while being a compelling read)
# favourite music
arctic monkeys, patrik fitzgerald, gang of four, pulp, babyshambles, the libertines, kaiser chiefs, blur, suede, billy bragg, kasabian, sex pistols, alternative tv, the kinks, the rolling stones, the beatles, the animals, jefferson airplane, dire straits, blondie, elastica, the adverts, sleeper, supergrass, franz ferdinand, mando diao, johnossi, cornelis vreeswijk, pete seeger, tom lehrer, radiohead, johnny cash, caesars, and many more.
# favourite films
the bridge over the river kwai, ace in the hole, parasite, triangle of sadness, tigers, citizen kane, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, dr. strangelove, 2001: a space odyssey, nosferatu, kopps, rushmore, fargo, goodfellas, the hunt, the celebration, good will hunting, the big lebowski, trainspotting, and many more.
# friend request sent
considering you already know basically everything about me now (and you made it through all my stupid film, book and music recommendations) send me a message telling me about yourself.